In Franklin we are launching a new program called 'Tea and Tangles' in a new time slot for Zentangle on Monday mornings. Yes, while the kids are occupied and entertained and working hard at school, you get to breathe and relax, sip your favorite beverage, and make beautiful art at your local art studio :) How fun is that!
If you need a restful weekend class, then consider 'Traveling with Tangles' and join us for our relaxing Sunday afternoon classes over at Kamala.
Both programs, 'Tea and Tangles' and 'Traveling with Tangles', run twice per month and will include a mix of skills classes and seasonal projects. I am also working with Woodside Montessori School in Millis to see if we can set up a kids afterschool program again this year, probably on Mondays; if anyone has kids that would be interested in weekly afterschool Zentangle program please let me know.
And finally (for now!) stay tuned for some Family Fun classes at Franklin Art Center - more on that soon! Check out the details and photos on my class information page CLICK HERE and if you have any questions, suggestions or requests, please call or email - as always I would love to hear from you! 774-571-8461 or SarahD.Zenventure@gmail.com. You can also stay in touch with the latest news on my Facebook page - CLICK HERE or just google 'The Traveling Tangler' (its a public page, you don't have to be a FB member to view it)
How much fun will YOU have this fall? Hope to see you soon :)
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